1. Run Project
2. Customizer
3. Structure
4. Plugins & Resources (Credits)
5. Support
6. Change Log
Ecomus - Fashion eCommerce React Template
- Version: 1.0.0
- Create: February 22, 2025
- Last Updated: February 22, 2025
In this document, we provide all kinds of good information with all the details you need to use our template. We hope you have fun and enjoy working with our template
If you have any question need support contact via
Email: themesflat@gmail.com or
Skype id: themesflat
I will ready support for you. Thank so much
Getting Started
Run Project
1. Download and install Node.js and NPM : You can download Node.js from https://nodejs.org. NPM comes bundled with Node.js.
2. Purchase Item: After purchase from Envato you have folder Ecomus-package Extract i have folder Ecomus. You please copy file go to D:/Ecomus
3. Use cmd With Windows Terminal With ios : Go go the folder D:\Ecomus Type command: npm install –> npm start
4. In your browser navigate to http://localhost:3000
5.Thats all! Now you should see your site.
For the case Visual Studio Code Open Folder Project (open Visual Studio Code) => Open Terminal (Ctrl + `) => Type command: npm i (or yarn) –> npm start (or yarn start)
How to customizer Template
Instructions below help you to change the content, custom css and js for the template
- Update the content for template

- Edit CSS for template

- Edit Data for template

- Set router link for page

- Edit component, js

I have tried to follow the standards and modular structure while developing the theme. Following sections are explaining the theme File & Folder, structure, html file struture and plugins.
File & Folder Structure
Ecomus |── public ├── css
├── font
├── images
├── scss ├── src
├── components
├── context
├── data
├── pages
├── utlis ├── jsconfig.json ├── package.json └── vite.config
App.js Structure
Credits & Official Documentation
We’ve used the following resources as listed. These are some awesome creation and we are thankful to the community.
If you have any question need support contact via Email: themesflat@gmail.com or Skype id: themesflat I will ready support for you. Thank so much
Stay Awesome!
“version”: “0.1.0”, February 22, 2025
- Initial released