Healingy – Therapy & Counseling Psychologist React NextJS Template
Healingy is the perfect React NextJS template designed specifically for therapy and counseling services. With its clean, calming, and soothing design, Healingy offers the ideal platform to promote your mental health services and connect with clients in a compassionate and professional manner. The template is built with user experience in mind, providing easy navigation and intuitive features that allow potential clients to find the help they need quickly.
Main Features
- Node.js 16.14 or later. and NextJs 13 technologies
- 04 Home Pages
- 15+ All Pages
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Free icons used
- Free Google Fonts
- Detailed Documentation
- Super Clear and Clean Layout
- Fully responsive and mobile friendly
- Pixel Perfect
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names
- Coded to be developer friendly
- Free Font Based Icons
- Retina Ready
- Complete Mobile UI App
- Excellent Support
- Cross Browser Compatible
- & much more…

- All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Fonts & Icons
- Font-Awesome
- Archivois available for free on Google fonts.
- jQuery (http://jquery.com/)
- Swiper Slider (https://swiperjs.com/)
- Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com)
- Validate (https://github.com/jzaefferer/jquery-validation)
- Easing (http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/)
- Cookie (https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie)
- WayPoints (http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/)
- Parallax (http://www.ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax/)
- Isotope (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/)
- Imagesloaded (http://imagesloaded.desandro.com/)
- Countdown (http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown/)
- Switcher (https://github.com/djanix/jquery.switcher/)
- Fancybox (http://fancybox.net/)